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All translations - marhaban

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242Source language242
Arabic الهدايا - الحب
يمكنك أن تشتري الهدايا ولكن ليس بإمكانك شراء الحب.

Completed translations
French Vous pouvez acheter des cadeaux ...
English You can buy presents but you can’t ...
Italian Puoi comprare dei regali ma non ...
Spanish Puedes comprar regalos pero no el ...
German Du kannst Geschenke aber nicht ...
Romanian Poţi cumpăra cadouri însă nu poţi ...
Albanian Mund te blesh dhurata por jo ...
Portuguese Você pode comprar presentes mas não ...
Dutch Je kunt cadeautjes kopen, maar geen ...
Hungarian Ajàndékot vehetsz de szeretetet nem
Serbian Poklone mozes da kupis, ali ne i ljubav.
Swedish Du kan köpa saker men du kan inte köpa ...
Danish Du kan købe gaver, men du kan ikke ...
Bulgarian Можете да си купите подаръци, но не ...
Polish Możesz kupować prezenty, ale nie ...
Lithuanian ViskÄ… galima nupirkti, bet tik ne ...
Finnish Voit ostaa lahjoja, mutta rakkaus ...
Russian Ты можешь купить подарки, но не любовь.
Chinese simplified 你能买礼物但不是爱
Chinese 你能買禮物但不是愛
Turkish Hediyeler satin alabirilsin ama ...
Japanese プレゼントは買えますが愛は買えないものです。
Hebrew בכסף אתה יכול לקנות מתנות, אבל אתה לא ...
Norwegian De kjøper presanger men De kjøper ...
Catalan Pots comprar regals però no pots ...
Esperanto Vi povas aĉeti donacojn, sed vi ne ...
Croatian Možete kupiti pokloni ali ljubav ...
Greek Μπορείς ν'αγοράσεις δώρα μα δεν ...
Portuguese brazilian Você pode comprar presentes mas não ...
უკრაინული Не можна купити кохання
მაკედონური ენა Можеш да купиш подароци, но не и ...
Czech Můžeš nakoupit dárky,ale lásku si ...
ბოსნური ენა Poklone možete kupiti ali ljubav ...
Korean 선물은 살 수 있지만, 사랑은 살 수 있는 것이 아닙니다.
Slovak Môžes kúpiť darčeky, ale lásku nie.
ბრეტონული ენა Gellout a rez prenañ profoù peogwir ...
Estonian Võid osta kingitusi, aga mitte ...
Klingon nobmey Daje'laH 'ach parmaq ...
Icelandic Hægt er að kaupa gjafir, en ekki ást.
Thai ของขวัญ - ความรัก
Irish Is féidir breanntanais a cheannú ach ní féidir an ghrá a cheannach
Hindi आप उपहार खरीद सकतें हैं .......
Source language
Italian marco
è un nome proprio, è molto importante serve per un tatuaggio che sarà impresso per sempre sulla mia pelle

<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
Arabic ماركو
Turkish Marko
Hebrew מרקו
English Mark
Japanese マルコ
Source language
French l'amitié
L'amitié peut elle avoir des effets négatifs?

D'une part l'amitié est une relation qui lie plusieurs personnes entre elles de façon étroite.On distingue plusieurs degrés d'amitié, de ce fait on peut avoir des amis et des meilleurs amis. L'amitié est une chose trés importante dans la vie, en effet c'est grâce a cela que l'on peut avancé dans la vie car on peut compter sur des personnes qui nous soutiennent dans n'importe quel moment

Completed translations
Arabic الصّداقة
Source language
English need symbols
We fight what we cannot see, we fear what we cannot see, hence why the sword was first wielded.
need the most literal translation possible

Completed translations
French Besoin de symboles
Arabic نحتاج رموزا
Japanese 表象不足
10Source language10
Portuguese tatiana
nome proprio

<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
Arabic تاتيانا
Greek Τατιάνα
Source language
Portuguese André
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
Arabic اندري
Chinese simplified 安递
Chinese 安遞
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